The Link Between Gut Health, Overall Health and Fertility

Your gut is full of trillion of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Collectively, these microorganisms are known as the microbiome. The microbiome is responsible for a multitude of functions within the body, including breaking down food, metabolizing nutrients, serving as a protective barrier against infection and producing vitamin K.

When you have more bad than good bacteria in your gut—your whole body suffers. These imbalances impact both mental and physical health, and can show up as mood swings, depression, anxiety, stomach aches, headaches, fatigue, lack of motivation or interest, recurring illnesses, digestive challenges, fertility challenges, irregular menses, painful menses, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian disease, autoimmune issues and much more.

Detoxifying and restoring balance to the gut is essential to a person’s overall mental, physical, and hormonal health. For women thinking about conceiving or experiencing fertility challenges, it is important to know that a baby’s gut biome begins developing even before they are born. And it can be impacted by how the baby’s mother cared for herself prior to and during her pregnancy, genetic predispositions, the health of the mother’s own gut biome, and the impact of environmental stressors during the mother’s pregnancy. 

At TheraKneads Wellness Center, we provide transformational health coaching to support and enhance women’s nutritional, lifestyle and fertility journeys. Digestive Massage is often a treatment performed in conjunction with health coaching sessions to further support the rebalancing of gut biome and optimization of overall health.

Once the nutritional, mental, emotional and environmental stressors creating these imbalances in the body are addressed with customized health coaching and wellness treatments—health and vitality can be restored. This new foundation sets the precedent for a meaningful and fulfilling life in which you are thriving, not just surviving.

To find out more about how health coaching or digestive massage can lead to an increase of overall health or fertility, call 410-549-7711 or book online at to set up a free 30-minute consultation to determine how we can help support you.